Poetry for the Whales
Poesía para ballenas


Marooned! (con hidrófono)

Instantes y ceniza

Diálogo entre una ballena y su cría
The Leviathan's Playing began with the imagination of a gesture: reading poetry to the whales.
The site chosen for this action was exactly the one wherein the largest whale slaughter took place in a single site: El Vizcaíno Bay on the Baja California peninsula.
The poem was then proposed as a site-specific intervention. A modest act and within the reach of anyone, devoid of artifacts; with a universal symbolic power. Faced with the inheritance of the objectification, extraction and extermination of the body of others, the human, fragile and emotional voice was opposed.
"Whales like poetry" is the synthesis of a series of diverse and moving experiences. It is also a form of invitation to continue an exercise of interspecies reciprocity through lyrics.
The materials generated during the Leviathan Games cycle are publicly accessible and free, and come to you thanks to the voluntary work of countless collaborators.
The complete complete archive consists of more than 1,000 hours of video in several simultaneous channels of high-quality recording. It could not be edited, processed and uploaded online for consultation in its entirety due to lack of resources for that purpose.
Help us complete this work with your donation. Press the button below and make your voluntary contribution through PayPal.
If you want more information about this or other works published on this site, write to c@stultiferanavis.institute